Sentinel Imports

Timely and Usable Reports
Sentinel Imports specializes in monitoring imports of Agricultural Chemicals and intermediates into the United States for the agricultural chemical industry. Sentinel Imports currently tracks over 140 molecules for a variety of companies. Clients can subscribe to receive information on any number of chemicals, depending on their individual needs.
- Reports are delivered in Excel pivot table format for easy manipulation and analysis.
- Reports are typically delivered each month by the end of the following month and can be customized for individual companies.
- Because clients may download their report from this website their data is always available.
Sentinel Imports can provide individual reports in Tableau format. Contact us for pricing detail.
Typical reports are delivered monthly and include (when available):
- Shipper
- Consignee Quantity Formulation
- Estimated Lbs ai
- Import values, plus shipping and insurance (CIF)
In addition to standard format monthly reports, Sentinel Imports can provide customized reports and is available for ad hoc projects.
current and accurate
Industry Data Sources
To provide the client with the most current and accurate data, Sentinel Imports utilizes multiple sources of information:- Datamyne
- Piers
- US Census Foreign Trade Statistics
- US Customs Harmonized Schedule
- EPA FOIA Requests
- National Pesticide Information Retrieval System
- Crop Data Management Systems
Examples of tracked Molecules
- 2,4-D
- Esfenvalerate
- Iprodione
- Chlorpyrifes
- Ethephon
- Metribuzin
- Clethodim
- Fosetyl-Al
- Oxyfluorfen
- Clopyralid
- Glyphosate
- Picloram
- Clothianidin
- Imazapic
- Propiconazole
- Cyfluthrin
- Imazapyr
- Propyzamide
- Deltamethrin
- imazethapyr
- Trifluralin
- Dicamba
- Imidacloprid
- Triclopyr